‘The very deep downs and the super high highs’ (23rd Sept - 6th Oct)

as my star sister Sterre Kadek Bintang put it so beautifully in her amazing hand written letter. And indeed the past two weeks had some super intense energies putting us under pressure for more integration.

I almost got hit by a bus, a truck and two cars and at the same time got the most amazing healing sessions from some of my closest soul sisters and incredible quality times with my soul family. Especially the first, and the last bits of this blog about them are really valuable reads.

After a break up the rain is gone

Let me jump right in the middle of my story with an incredible inner process the Super New Moon in Libra brought me 28th Sept. I had a dream about it just 2 nights prior the event. So often healing the pain of loosing my partner feels like healing the pain of loosing myself so I can come back home to my core again and again. The pain of separation… is both ways.

My amazing healer Soul Sister Pernille Caura Euwyn is holding space for me to guide me back home to mySelf. Many times it’s difficult even in front of soul family to break down and cry. You want to be seen and you want to hide. You want to be heard and you want to stay quiet. You want connection and you feel so vulnerable to ask for it. In front of Caura it’s easy to break down and cry, she is home to me. I’m always so amazed how much light there is in the darkness, how much beauty in the pain. Myriad of light beings light up the inner darkness as they gather to witness my inner homecoming process. 

My Sister Caura guides me:  “what was the first time you felt incomplete and not whole?” I see myself as a 3 or 4-year-old. At first she is sitting and not looking towards me. I’m there with her. Asking her to show the part of me who needs to be integrated; and so I’m integrating my wounded masculine aspect who feels insecure, shy, not good enough, weak, lost, addicted, vulnerable, full of fear. I see the images of my father and brother. So much vibration on the right side of my body.
And yet again I witness the most magical wonder as I allow the integration. My inner child grows into standing strong in his/her power and asks me to be honest with myself each time of how I feel, what my needs and desires are. (S)he asks me to be honest and communicate clearly. The divine masculine qualities.. (S)he asks me to stay true to myself. My Sister Caura is asking me: can you promise her you’ll do that? And I can’t. I’m afraid that if I speak my truth, I’m loosing people.


So we go deeper.  I see myself as a two-year-old. I’m loosing my mother for 2 months as she is taken to the hospital after a very serious injury.  I’m there with myself as a child. She is numbed from the amount of anxiety, paralyzed by the fear of being left alone and frozen into powerlessness. She can neither move nor look at me. I’m there with her. It’s painful to witness, she asks me to stop asking myself how long it’s gonna take for me to feel relief. I’m waiting with unconditional presence.

After a while she turns towards me. I cannot take her to my Safe Haven because I don’t feel safe there. It’s incredibly important to acknowledge for myself that I don’t feel safe anywhere in this world or beyond. Because I don’t feel safe within myself. I cannot trust myself to capitalize on my own best interest, to be honest with myself, to stay true to myself and communicate clearly. Becoming aware of this again and again, accepting it is the key… however painful it is to admit to yourself. I can see that when I was a child, or in other lives when I spoke my truth, wanted to stay true to myself and stand up for myself I got punished and humiliated. And I was abandoned.

But who do I really want to stay connected to and make space for? By letting go of those who cannot stay with my authentic self. Can I have myself and the other, too? Certainly, with my true soul family. Caura asks me to practice with her and share honestly how I felt earlier that week. At first I’m hesitant, telling her that I will loose her if I genuinely share about my heavier emotions. But she comforts me and says whoever is loosing me shall feel sad. Wow.. that really hits home...am I so valuable that if I stay true to my core those who loose me shall be sad?


I look at my 2 year old little inner girl again and tell her that I’m afraid if I have her and stay true to our core there is no space for others in my life. How can I have myself and others too? So she blows my mind again as she expands the space within me. It feels like there is not just space for Her when I stay true to Her, not just for my Soul Family, but for the entire world. Incredible experience with the healed and whole inner child who is my Heart and Soul. How many times can my mind be blown… She is so young and tiny and so old full of wisdom and so spacious at the same time. It strikes me each time how calm and centered she is, neither too much laughing nor crying in pain. Calm and centered. She is a sage. She is a fairy & a dolphin, and the whale and fox at the same time. I choose you. You are my home within me, my soul family and Gaia is my home outside of me.

Sister Caura Euwyn asks me again if I can promise my inner child to stay true to Her… What I can genuinely promise is to journal about it each time I can’t to create awareness and come back home to Her again and again. My Sister says ‘hiding is painful’ and it was a blessing to witness my process of authenticity…what can I say? How grateful can I be to my sister for holding space for me for such a powerful, magnificent process? And I just remember my question from the beginning of the process. Why are we here again? For Gaia, for each other, for ourselves, for humanity, for our soul family, for Greta, ‘so she is not alone’, as Sister Euwyn says we bring the magic from Home. We are all coming back home together with Gaia.

More pressure for integration around boundaries, the chronic fatigue, being attached – letting go and flow

These transformational times always trigger my boundary issues too.  What is a yes and what is a no? How much can I carry for others and when to ask for help to be carried? I’m not only receiving healing from soul family during these two weeks but also holding space for others to go through their processes. Do I allow myself to rest and integrate my healing or am I pushing myself too much to be there for others? I really have the tendency to offer help right away without checking in with my body, just wanting to give and give.  I know that I’m quite sensitive but during times likes these it feels like I’m extra prone to pick up on all kinds of vibes. So one day the familiar feeling of chronic fatigue really hits me, I cannot move my legs and arms, I cannot get out of bed. I seriously need to rest but my mind doesn’t want me to, keeps reminding me of all the things I need to do. I negotiate with her that in case she doesn’t allow my body to rest there will be no more list of things to do for her whatsoever as I’m simply gonna pass out :D As my soul sister reminds me: self love girl, self love.

But again on a more serious note, during these times of intense energies and increased pressure I make sure that I get to dance, that I make it to yoga classes and listen to wonderful calming mantras. I love the tanra kriya yoga classes with Mikkel, I’m breathing out the insecure thoughts swirling in my head and lose myself in the otherworldly tunes of the Medicine Buddha Mantra mix by Maneesh de Moor. (link at the end of the post) During the ecstatic dance this time I dance with my sadness, still I get comments how I look like a flower, how the whole sharing circle relaxes with me, oh wow, gratitude.

What also really really helps is to spend time alone in nature totally offline; breathing deeply, journaling for self reflection and doing the fear hugging process which often helps me to crack up to laughter remembering how funny and small my fears can be. I’m spending as much time out in nature as I can, in the park, on the beach, in the forest. Laying on the ground and the soil also helps me immensely: connecting with Gaia, feeling how the heaviness is leaving my body, how the energy  flows between us, I feel so blessed..


On one of the most stressful days when so much tension was building up in my body the letter from my Star Soul Sister Sterre really saved my day. All the love and caring flowing from her wonderful handwritten piece of art totally cracked my heart open so I could just break down and cry, sitting under a lovely tree I got so much relief, peace and gratitude in my heart. Even now as I write it I’m tearing up how much I love her and how grateful I am for our connection. How she helped me in such magical ways..


Another critical day when so much stress accumulated in me I biked out to the nature area at the southmost tip of Copenhagen and screamed from the top of my lungs in the open fields. Luckily not so many people were around but those who were I hope felt liberated to do the same if they wanted to. In any case letting the screams out also gave me so much relief, I just layed down next to the small road and was amazed to feel how my root chakra opened right away. I again felt so much calmness, peace, gratitude and JOY, it’s so incredible to witness how I keep coming back to mySelf again and again. Thank you Life for all your challenges and beauties….


Another amazing way to let go of tension and come home within is to spend time with my soul family preferably out in nature, fall is really my favourite season. Once again it makes me feel incredibly peaceful, grounded, full of joy, love and gratitude. And as my soul sisters also put it their presence, encouragement, support and the energy boost we receive from each other makes us feel invincible.


Further on with the splits inside of me: to plan and to be attached to an appointment or to let go and flow? The past two weeks had examples for all these different kinds of scenarios with my lovely Danish soul family. I so wanted to give a massage to one of my closest soul sisters but life flew differently and I had to let go. I so wanted to hang out with and give massage to one of my soul brothers but life flew differently so it partly happened, partly not. While I was waiting for him to arrive later as planned I took selfies which I usually never do. It was amazing to see the sparkle in my eyes, how much joy, love and freedom I feel as my soul is with me. A massage and reiki healing exchange with another soul sister went according to plan and excelled all of my hopes for our time together. And as a huge gift from the Universe another of my very close soul sisters offered an intuitive healing session ‘out of the blue’. I so prayed to connect with her before she leaves and her soul heard it.


Reiki healing from Lovely Line

Line is such a wonderful angel soul sister with so much beauty, wisdom and softness. We feel safe and home with each other, even the vibe from our recorded conversation feels so nurturing and touching. As she puts it there is so much love between our souls. She is so in tune with me when giving the reiki healing, we are blown away by the co-created energies. She feels how I carry so much on my back, how my lower chakras need some loving healing, together  with my liver, pancreas, kidneys, sacrum…I know from past experiences how these organs of mine need extra care, she is indeed a fantastic healer.  We also talk about it later how we should both practice to receive more and take care of our energies, get enough rest and dance and flow like we do in Bali. J. She can also sense just like so many of my soul family members that my energy is quite pure and sometimes bit too open. J With her I can be trusting and safe in our love bubble. 


Intuitive healing from Michelle Moon Saia Maya

It’s hard to describe who Michelle Moon is to me and to this World. She is just too amazing with all the magic, love, joy, life, childlike nature, light, wisdom, depth, kindnesss, caring, softness, Divine Feminine and Godddes Mother she has in her being. She has the gift to see who you truly are and liberates you to embody your true essence. How powerful is that…. She is an amazing multipotentialite, an incredibly inspiring artist, amazing dancer, gently powerful healer and priestess, cannot even list all the awesomeness she embodies.... 

We have a strong connection and dare to say quite similar energy signatures with her. When we share the space it’s nearly impossible to put in words what we feel… it’s the happiest tears of reunion and finding home and peace in super high vibrational way. I think of something and she says it out loud, she thinks of something and I say it out. It’s the kind of mind-blowing magic. When she gave the intuitive healing to me as soon as I felt an energy moving somewhere in my body her hand was right there in a second. She spoke a language we both knew from other lives. In fact she downloaded that we were actually sisters in India in another life. I’m telling her that I think I’m clairvoyant and she declares right away: ‘Yes you are.’ Around her I see the light beings even with open eyes. She actually opens my third eye to such extent that 3 days in a row every morning I wake up I get to watch the Universe dancing with my mind’s eye, the fractals, mosaic, archetypal images…




When I look at her it’s like when I saw my inner child during the healing with Caura Euwyn. I see this little two year old girl with the wisdom and the depth of a sage as I look into her eyes… After I go home from her place I cannot fall asleep for quite some time thanks to our super high frequencies we co-created. I just keep looking at her pictures, art, watching her videos, reading her sharing… and I have so much genuinely joyful tears in my eyes, she is the dancer I always wanted to become, the incredibly beautiful embodiment of the Divine Feminine Goddess I always dreamt to shine thru. My Sisters create so much magic in this world! I feel so much love and gratitude: Caura Euwyn and Saia Maya are the Sun and the Moon and Liya Maya hopes to be their little sistar. 😊



photo credits to Michelle Moon, Pernille Caura, Line and Sterre



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